Peers Review of Discussion 2

Provide Classmate comment on their post for this following discussion :

Now it is time to select your topic for the process essay. When thinking of a topic to write about, remember for a good essay you need an introduction paragraph, a minimum of three paragraphs for the body, and a conclusion paragraph. All need to be fully developed. 

Here are some sample process essay topics just to get you thinking…how to change a tire, how to write a resume, how to be a good parent, how to succeed in college, and how to play baseball. Develop a topic that you have knowledge of and interests you.

Complete the following steps:

  1. Decide on a topic for your process essay. Select one that details how to ____________. Keep in mind that your topic should be one that you can describe in a five-paragraph essay (approximately 500 words).
  2. Use a prewriting technique to brainstorm your topic.
  3. Create a tentative thesis statement for your essay that clearly states the process you will be describing.
  4. Develop an outline for your essay using the following format:

Thesis Statement

      1. Topic Sentence for Step One of the Process
        1. Specific Evidence
        2. Specific Evidence
        3. Specific Evidence
      2. Topic Sentence for Step Two of the Process
        1. Specific Evidence
        2. Specific Evidence
        3. Specific Evidence
      3. Topic Sentence for Step Three of the Process
        1. Specific Evidence
        2. Specific Evidence
        3. Specific Evidence
      4. Continue Format If More Steps


ClassMate Post :

Thesis Statement

To make the perfect pizza, one must know how to stretch, be proficient at saucing and topping, and they must know the proper temperature and time to cook the pizza to perfection.


Step 1:

The person stretching needs to ensure that the dough is properly proofed. If the dough isn’t proofed correctly it could lead to an uneven texture and poor baking outcomes.

They must then form a crust with the dough, slowly stretching to ensure that the dough stays consistent throughout.

Finally, the slap, taking the dough and slapping it between their hands or tossing it in the air guarantees that it will further stretch and refine the shape of the pizza. Pulling from the center just enough to keep the dough consistent throughout.


Step 2:

The sauce needs to be even and exact without smears or clumps. Too much and the pizza will become soggy, while too little and the pizza will leave it dry.

Toppings such as Ham or Pepperoni should be spaced evenly and have the appropriate number.

Other toppings should be distributed evenly, avoiding clumping in the center. This ensures that flavor is distributed throughout every bite.


Step 3:

Make sure that the oven is preheated and set to 470 degrees.

In the oven bubbles are a major concern, and they need to be handled promptly to ensure quality by poking them or flatting them with a long tong or stick.

Make sure to check the crust for around 6 to 7 minutes to guarantee the crust is golden and crisping up without overcooking.



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Peers Review of Discussion 2

Provide Classmate Reviews / Comment on their discussion 


Division-classification involves sorting numbers of things into categories according to a single principle. For example, there are various modes of transportation. Transportation can include airways, waterways, roadways, railways, and pipelines. The single principle of division is how people and/or goods are moved from one location to another. In another example, when at a baseball game, you might find yourself surrounded by three types of fans: the fanatic, the average fan, and the fair-weathered fan. The larger group of fans is classified into categories based on how they feel about the team. Division-classification

Classmate Discussion :

Types of students

The classroom is a world filled with a range of student personalities. First, you have the overachiever, who is motivated by the need for achievement and recognition. The overachiever often sets high standards for themselves. They are always prepared throughout the course and are highly organized. These students tend to actively participate in the classroom. Outside of the classroom, they are involved in extracurricular activities. Next, you have the class clown who seeks attention and the approval of their peers. They are comical and enjoy making people laugh. Although sometimes disruptive, they foster a sense of community by providing moments of shared laughter. However, class clowns can be viewed as a distraction to the other students around them. Class clowns often struggle to stay focused in class. Finally, you have the quiet observer who is driven by a need for understanding and knowledge. They are more interested in learning than their grades. You can find them in the corner of the classroom, deep in thought. They prefer to listen rather than speak in the classroom. Due to this, it can often be perceived that they are incredibly shy. These three are only a fraction of the students that contribute to the wide range of personalities that make every classroom unique.

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Peers Review of Discussion 2

Provide a comment or review on a classmate discussion on the following topic 

n this assignment, you will be introduced to the early efforts of developing and implementing a national Air Traffic Control (ATC) system and identifying the impact on commercial aviation policy and regulation. Today over 5,000 commercial aircraft traverse the skies daily over the United States. This common-day movement is often taken for granted, and only gets headlines when something goes wrong.

During the 1950s, air travel was coming into its own. The federal government was challenged with not only the projection of exponential commercial aviation growth (especially with the inauguration of the jet engine) but how to safely manage the airspace in this growth would occur.


Classmate Disussion :

Hello Everyone,

By the 1950s, air traffic was increasing dramatically, making it difficult for radar systems alone to differentiate between aircraft. Controllers needed a way to identify specific planes and track key details like altitude, which radar could not provide on its own.

Before the introduction of transponders, radar systems relied on “primary radar” echoes, which only showed an aircraft’s position as a generic blip on a screen. This lack of detailed information made it challenging to manage increasingly crowded airspace.

The innovation of the transponder—a small device onboard the aircraft—was a game changer. When interrogated by secondary radar systems, transponders sent back coded signals with vital data, including the aircraft’s unique identifier and altitude. started being used in the late 1950s; this method enhanced air traffic controllers capacity to monitor and regulate flights securely. 

Todays transponder technology has advanced significantly with systems such, as Mode S transponders and Automatic Dependent Surveillance–Broadcast (ADS B). These systems offer details like These provide even more detailed information, including precise  Global Positioning System (GPS) coordinates and speed information along with flight paths for effective and safe navigation, in contemporary air traffic control operations. 

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Peers Review of Discussion 2

Provide a Peers review of their discussion on the assignment :

For this discussion, you will compose an outline for a description paragraph. Determine your topic sentence and create specific details to support your topic sentence.

Begin by filling in the blank for the topic sentence. You can select a person listed in the following table or one that is not on the list.

Topic Sentence: \”I could tell by looking at the room that a ___________ lived there.\”


  • Teacher
  • Cat (or Dog) Lover
  • Photographer
  • Hunter
  • World Traveler
  • Musician
  • Mechanic
  • Sports Enthusiast
  • Student
  • Chef/Cook
  • Pilot
  • Tax Accountant


Once you have selected a topic for the description paragraph, create and post a scratch outline for your description paragraph, by the end of Day 4, starting with the topic sentence. Be sure you have specific details that appeal to a variety of senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch) and support your topic sentence.


Peers Discusssion that need a Review :

Topic Sentence: I could tell by looking at the room that a student lived there.

Specific Detail #1: As soon as I entered the room, I noticed paperwork scattered across the desk, an upcoming project looming nearby, and their school laptop with over 20 tabs open, all hinting at a busy and chaotic study environment.

Specific Detail #2: I can hear the soothing lo-fi music playing softly in the background, its gentle beats creating a calming atmosphere. Simultaneously, a Khan Academy video plays on the screen, providing an overview of today’s topic.

Specific Detail #3: The refreshing scent of the nearby pine trees breezes through the open window, bringing with it the crispness of fresh air. It fills the room with a sense of calm and rejuvenation, a welcome escape from the chaos of everyday life.

Specific Detail #4: The table is cluttered with wrinkled notes taken from class, their edges frayed and soft from frequent handling. As I sift through the scattered papers, I can feel the engraved pencil marks and the rough texture beneath my fingertips.

Specific Detail #5: The room is filled with the lingering aroma of leftover pizza, its savory, cheesy flavor reflecting the countless late-night study sessions.

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Peers Review of Discussion 2

Provide a Peers review of their discussion on the assignment :

In this discussion, you will be introduced to one of the most iconic government regulations concerning commercial aviation: the 1978 Airline Deregulation Act. This ground-breaking legislation continues to reverberate economic and operational impacts throughout the industry, even over forty years later. The convenience, efficiency, and wide-reaching impacts of this act are often forgotten when you purchase an airline ticket today. This assignment provides a \”Behind the Scenes\” review that was several years in the making. Use the resources to research this topic, outline the pros and cons of airline deregulation, and debate if it is necessary. 

Ideas to help guide your work:

  1. What data/documentation was used by the U.S. Congress to support passing this legislation?
  2. How could this legislation be evaluated? How can success or failure be measured?
  3. Who should be a part of this conversation? Who should not be?
  4. What information would you use to support changing this legislation?


Peers Discusssion that need a Review :

Hi everyone, 

The 1978 Airline Deregulation Act fundamentally reshaped the U.S. aviation landscape, shifting it from a heavily controlled industry to one driven by competition. Before deregulation, the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) managed fares, routes, and ownership, leading to high prices but stable service. Rising economic pressures, along with consumer demand for affordability and choice, motivated Congress to pursue a deregulated model.

To support this decision, Congress examined data comparing interstate, CAB-regulated fare structures with the prices seen in intrastate markets, where airlines operated without fare restrictions. The findings showed significant cost advantages in less regulated markets, signaling the potential for consumer benefits through open competition. Assessing the Act’s success involves examining changes in fare structures, market accessibility, and competition among airlines.

Deregulation introduced significant benefits, including expanded route options, lower fares, and greater market diversity. However, it also brought challenges, such as varying levels of service quality. Today, airlines balance efficiency with customer satisfaction in this dynamic environment. The Act’s impact remains a subject of debate, especially as industry priorities and consumer expectations evolve over time.


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Peers Review of Discussion 2

Provide feedback for peers discussion on the following assignment :


practice writing five topic sentences on five different subjects of your choice:

  1. Identify the subject.
  2. Write the topic sentence for each subject.
  3. Include your point of view/attitude on the subject.

 Your posts should follow this example format:



Topic Sentence

If you dread flying, arm yourself with knowledge about what to expect to help you conquer the fear.

Your Attitude

Fear of flying can be overcome with knowledge.


Classmate discussion work that you need to provide feedback on :

  1. Subject: Sustainable LivingTopic Sentence: Embracing sustainable living is not just a trend; it’s a crucial step toward preserving our planet for future generations.Your Attitude: Sustainable living is essential for the health of our environment.


  1. Subject: Remote WorkTopic Sentence: While remote work offers flexibility, it can also blur the boundaries between personal and professional life, leading to burnout.Your Attitude: Balancing remote work requires intentional effort to maintain boundaries.


  1. Subject: Animal ConservationTopic Sentence: Protecting endangered species is vital not only for biodiversity but also for the health of our ecosystems.Your Attitude: Animal conservation is a responsibility we must take seriously.


  1. Subject: Social MediaTopic Sentence: Although social media can connect us with friends and family, it often perpetuates unrealistic standards and negatively impacts mental health.Your Attitude: We should approach social media mindfully to mitigate its harmful effects.


  1. Subject: Healthy EatingTopic Sentence: Adopting a balanced diet is a fundamental aspect of maintaining overall health and preventing chronic diseases.Your Attitude: Healthy eating is essential for a long, vibrant life.

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