1) Practice writing a Windows script or a pipe that finds all lines of https://uiu.edu/academics/faculty/school-of-science-mathematics.html that…

1) Practice writing a Windows script or a pipe that finds all lines of https://uiu.edu/academics/faculty/school-of-science-mathematics.html that contain an email and saves them to a file harvest.txt (saved lines may contain other text, not just email).

2) Practice writing a Windows script or a pipe that counts number of Science and Math faculty emails (hint: use findstr and find).

3) Practice writing a Linux script or a pipe that prints names of Science and Math faculty.

4) Practice writing a Linux script or a pipe that prints names, emails, and department of all UIU faculty and saves them to a file harvest.txt. Use your choice of webpages for the data such as https://uiu.edu/academics/faculty/andres-school-of-education.htmll

5) Practice writing a Windows script that asks what department a user wants to process and prints number of email addresses in that file.

6) Practice writing a Linux script that takes any faculty name as an argument and prints the person’s department .

7) Practice writing a Linux script that takes any faculty name as an argument and prints that person’s email.

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