UNIT 3 During this unit, we can debate the ACA reform law and the many alternatives being advocated.

this unit, we can debate the ACA reform law and the many alternatives
being advocated. Please begin by focusing on one or two significant
features of the “Obamacare” reform law and highligthing both their major
purported benefits and assertions made by detractors.
All points of view are respected!UNIT 4
Unit IV- 11/23-12/14/14
Lets consider what the health care sector mightlook
like in 2034; its shape, cost, types of providers and types of
patients. In addition, currently, what can we learn from the scrutiny of
other countries’ health care systems? Its helpful to select one or two
countries and focus on specific features and what we might “import” to
enhance our own system.
As always, all points of view are welcome and respected. Frequent and robust participation is best!

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