Thesis & Outline for Process Essay

Now it is time to select your topic for the process essay. When thinking of a topic to write about, remember for a good essay you need an introduction paragraph, a minimum of three paragraphs for the body, and a conclusion paragraph. All need to be fully developed. 

Here are some sample process essay topics just to get you thinking…how to change a tire, how to write a resume, how to be a good parent, how to succeed in college, and how to play baseball. Develop a topic that you have knowledge of and interests you.

Complete the following steps:

  1. Decide on a topic for your process essay. Select one that details how to ____________. Keep in mind that your topic should be one that you can describe in a five-paragraph essay (approximately 500 words).
  2. Use a prewriting technique to brainstorm your topic.
  3. Create a tentative thesis statement for your essay that clearly states the process you will be describing.
  4. Develop an outline for your essay using the following format:

Thesis Statement

      1. Topic Sentence for Step One of the Process
        1. Specific Evidence
        2. Specific Evidence
        3. Specific Evidence
      2. Topic Sentence for Step Two of the Process
        1. Specific Evidence
        2. Specific Evidence
        3. Specific Evidence
      3. Topic Sentence for Step Three of the Process
        1. Specific Evidence
        2. Specific Evidence
        3. Specific Evidence
      4. Continue Format If More Steps

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