Now it is time to select your topic for the process essay. When thinking of a topic to write about, remember for a good essay you need an introduction paragraph, a minimum of three paragraphs for the body, and a conclusion paragraph. All need to be fully developed.
Here are some sample process essay topics just to get you thinking…how to change a tire, how to write a resume, how to be a good parent, how to succeed in college, and how to play baseball. Develop a topic that you have knowledge of and interests you.
Complete the following steps:
- Decide on a topic for your process essay. Select one that details how to ____________. Keep in mind that your topic should be one that you can describe in a five-paragraph essay (approximately 500 words).
- Use a prewriting technique to brainstorm your topic.
- Create a tentative thesis statement for your essay that clearly states the process you will be describing.
- Develop an outline for your essay using the following format:
Thesis Statement
- Topic Sentence for Step One of the Process
- Specific Evidence
- Specific Evidence
- Specific Evidence
- Topic Sentence for Step Two of the Process
- Specific Evidence
- Specific Evidence
- Specific Evidence
- Topic Sentence for Step Three of the Process
- Specific Evidence
- Specific Evidence
- Specific Evidence
- Continue Format If More Steps
- Topic Sentence for Step One of the Process
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