Thesis & Outline for Persuasive Essay

For this assignment, you will argue a position by advancing a point in which you feel strongly and seek to persuade others (the audience) to agree with you.

In this activity, you will write your thesis statement and outline for your persuasive essay.

Complete the following steps:

  1. Choose a topic for your persuasive essay. Keep in mind that your topic should be one that you can fully cover in a five-paragraph essay (approximately 500 words).
  2. Use a prewriting technique you learned at the beginning of the course to brainstorm your topic.
  3. Create a tentative thesis statement for your essay that clearly states your topic and your point of view.
  4. Develop an outline for your essay using the following outline format:

Thesis Statement

      1. Topic Sentence Explaining Your Viewpoint (Reason 1)A. Specific EvidenceB. Specific EvidenceC. Specific Evidence
      2. Topic Sentence Explaining Your Viewpoint (Reason 2)A. Specific EvidenceB. Specific EvidenceC. Specific Evidence
      3. Topic Sentence Explaining Your Viewpoint (Reason 3)A. Specific EvidenceB. Specific EvidenceC. Specific Evidence
      4. Continue Format If More Steps

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