Synthesize the key concepts in organizational and executive coaching and formulate the strengths and weaknesses of the stated approaches to coaching.

BUSI 755


The purpose of this forum is to research and write a 600–750-word rough draft for the Thematic Integration of Faith and Learning Paper: SIGNIFICANCE OF EXECUTIVE COACHING TO BUSINESS

1. Define Organizational and Executive Coaching

2. Synthesize the key concepts in organizational and executive coaching and formulate the strengths and weaknesses of the stated approaches to coaching.

3. You must relate course concepts to specific biblical examples of coaching in both the Old Testament and the New Testament.

a. Cohesive understanding of why organizational and executive coaching is significant for advancing God’s purposes for business on earth.

4. Cite sources, including the course texts and scholarly sources, and include a reference list in current APA format.

Concepts to begin guiding your thought in this area are taken from key course texts and supplemental sources.

Underhill, McAnally, & Koriath (2007) reflect:

Rather than offering solutions, the coach helps the leader dare to look at inner resistance, to understand consequences, to find new strategies, and to practice—thus stretching beyond current limitations for new behaviors. (p. 26)

Organizations that create leadership development approaches linked to company strategies have answered key questions, such as: What is our business strategy? and, How do we develop leaders capable of executing our strategy? (p. 30)

What is the purpose for coaching? (p. 37) (How is the organization’s leadership viewed by peers and employees?)

The managing of key relationships is also critical to the success of the program. (p. 39)

Hunt & Weintraub (2017) discuss:

We are acutely aware that the preceding paragraph might already scare off some folks who are interested in improving their ability to coach their people. Please don’t be frightened! You don’t have to be perfect at this stuff to be effective. You have to be OK. Intent does matter here, along with your ability to receive feedback from those you coach. In reality, the relationship, as perceived by both parties, is just important if not more important than the techniques of coaching. Recent research, which we’ll rely on later in this and in several subsequent chapters, has confirmed this (Gregory & Levy, 2011). If you are genuinely trying to help and you occasionally jump into too quickly, and you’ve let your people know that you need their help to help them, you’ll do just fine. Yes, practice does help. Perfection, though, is not what you’re trying to achieve. This is a very human process. (p.6)

As such, in addition to some basic skills, trust between the parties here is obviously a critically important enabling factor (Gregory & Levy, 2011). That’s why intent is so important. If you are really trying to help, not to punish, if you really do want to know what is happening with your people and their work, and if you behave accordingly (we’ll talk about this in great detail), sufficient trust will materialize in your relationships with your people for coaching to take place. (Of course, intent by itself will not be enough if you are inadvertently undermining your efforts to build trust by behaving in a fashion that contradicts your intent. This can happen without your awareness). (pp.6-7)


Egan, T., & Hamlin, R. G. (2014). Coaching, HRD, and relational richness: Putting the pieces together. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 16(2), 242-257. doi:10.1177/1523422313520475

Gilbert, C., De Winne, S., & Sels, L. (2015). Strong HRM processes and line managers’ effective HRM implementation: A balanced view. Human Resource Management Journal, 25(4), 600-616. doi:10.1111/1748-8583.12088

Hunt, J.M. & Weintraub, J.R. (2017). The coaching manager: Developing top talent in business. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. ISBN: 9781483391656.

Keller, T., & Alsdorf, K. L. (2012). Every good endeavor: Connecting your work to God’s work. New York, NY: Dutton. ISBN: 9780525952701.

Maltbia, T. E., Marsick, V. J., & Ghosh, R. (2014). Executive and organizational coaching: A review of insights drawn from literature to inform HRD practice. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 16(2), 161-183. doi:10.1177/1523422313520474

Underhill, B. O., McAnally, K., & Koriath, J. J. (2007). Executive coaching for results: The definitive guide to developing organizational leaders. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers. ISBN: 9781576754481.Zachary, L. J. (2006). Creating a mentoring culture: The Organization#s guide. Development and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal, 20(4) doi:10.1108/dlo.2006.08120dae.003

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