Social Justice and Hurricane Katrina Pt. 1

Reading: Read the assignment material for the week. This week, the reading assignment is:Squires & Hartman, Chapters 1 – 8.

Assignment: Provide an approximate 1200-word overview and explanation of the important concepts in the readings. Assume that you are writing for an uninformed reader that knows nothing about the topic and has not read what you read. Provide an introduction that gives the background of the resource you’re reviewing, so the reader will understand what they’re reading and why. Consider the following topics for inclusion in this week’s discussion:

– How did our perception of society, race, etc., change during and after Katrina?

– What lessons should be taken from this with respect to disaster recovery?

– Did the culture of Louisiana contribute to race and gender perceptions regarding the impact of Katrina? In what ways?

– Discuss the concept of abandonment as it played out before, during, and after the storm. Have we progressed beyond the abandonment mentality? Why or why not?

– How has recovery progressed after Katrina with respect to housing, jobs, public safety, resiliency, etc.? How could / can recovery have been / be improved?

DO NOT list out the topics or questions and answer them. They are not meant to be all-inclusive, and your reader will not understand the context. Rather, give an overview of the author’s entire body of work, using the topics as guidelines. Ensure that you meet or exceed the 1200-word target, and that your paper meets APA presentation with no less than 4 peer reviewed sources to include required reading.

Squires, G. and Hartman, C.

There is No Such Thing as a Natural Disaster: Race, Class and Hurricane Katrina



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