Rhetorical Analysis

Locate a message you have recently composed. It could be an email to an instructor, a text message to a friend, a memo to your supervisor, or something else. Provide a copy or describe the context as best you can. Then, write a brief (at least 200 words) response that includes the following:

  • Identify the elements of your rhetorical situation (audience, purpose, genre, medium, and context).
  • Describe how these aspects of your rhetorical situation influenced your writing process.
  • Analyze the strategies you used to create and deliver an effective message. Did you use ethos, pathos, or logos? Did you use a specific tone to appeal to your audience? Were you strategic in your mode of delivery or the timing of your message?

After you complete your own analysis, return to this forum and reply to at least two classmates. How did their rhetorical

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