respond discussion1 best practices in interviewing

Respond to at least one of your colleagues’ posts and provide additional recommendations to your colleague.

Kastina Hayes

RE: Discussion 1 – Week 7


Main Question Post.

Interview 1

Interview 1 Best Practices and Issues

The interviewer did make eye contact; however, the interviewer seemed disorganized and nervous. This in turn made the interviewee uneasy and agitated. There were cords dangling which made the location unsafe. The interviewee was watching the time and was unwilling to answer a final question after time was up. The interviewer let her personal feelings and emotions show during the interview. For instance, while the interviewer was taking notes, the interviewer frowned and shook her head in disgust as the interviewee was giving her testimony and answering questions.

A best practice for interviews includes establishing a level of rapport and trust with the interviewee (Laureate Education [Producer], 2016). Using questions that draws out the participant and engaging the participant will produce the best outcome of the interview (Laureate Education [Producer], 2016). It is best to have clear expectations and information, ask open-ended questions, the interviewer should balance rapport and neutrality, and use appropriate body language (Laureate Education [Producer], 2016).

Worst practices should be avoided at all costs. A worst practice has inadequate information on how the interview will proceed, asking questions with one-word answers, and withdrawn body language (Laureate Education [Producer], 2016). Ineffective practices cause the participant to feel uncomfortable, coerced, and ignored (Laureate Education [Producer], 2016). Additionally, confusion, anxiety, and discomfort come from weak or ineffective strategies.

My Thoughts

I have gained a lot of great, useful information from this viewing experience. I had a chance to see an interview gone wrong, and a good interview. I understand the difference between observation and interpretation. Observation is what is observed or noticed in the interview (Laureate Education [Producer], 2016). Interpretation is what is interpreted or understood from the response of the participant. I will be sure to establish a level of rapport and trust with the participant. I believe this is the most important aspect of the interview. Once the participant trusts the interviewer, the participant will open up more and be comfortable enough to speak as if they are friends rather than strangers. Body language is another important aspect of the interview. A calm demeanor sends the message of a safe environment.

Interview 2

Interview 2 Best Practices and Issues

The interviewer made and kept eye contact throughout the interview. The interviewer was calm and collected. She stood up to greet the interviewee. There were no trip hazards in the room. She thanked the interviewee for her time. The interviewer also went over the process and what was about to take place, and why. In addition, the interviewer informed the interviewee of other participants participating in the interview. The interviewer reminded the interviewee that her participation was completely voluntary and the interview can be stopped at any time. Additionally, if there were any questions that the interviewee did not want to answer, that was completely acceptable and understood. The interviewee was advised that the transcript and the notes collected from the interview would be sent to her for her review before publishing. The interviewee was made aware that the interview may be published, but everything is strictly confidential.

Another technique used was the interviewer asked if the interviewee had any questions before they began the interview. The interviewer reminded the interviewee the anticipated amount of time to complete the interview, and ensured the interviewee that that allotted amount of time would not be extended unless the interviewee wished to do so. The interviewer did not show any biases. The interviewer stayed neutral while the interviewee gave her testimony and answered questions. Additionally, the interviewer informed the interviewee that time was up, and she was welcomed to leave if she needed to. Since the interviewer built a positive rapport with the interviewee, the interviewee chose to stay and answer one final question.

A best practice for interviews includes establishing a level of rapport and trust with the interviewee (Laureate Education [Producer], 2016). Using questions that draws out the participant and engaging the participant will produce the best outcome of the interview (Laureate Education [Producer], 2016). It is best to have clear expectations and information, ask open-ended questions, the interviewer should balance rapport and neutrality, and use appropriate body language (Laureate Education [Producer], 2016).

Worst practices should be avoided at all costs. A worst practice has inadequate information on how the interview will proceed, asking questions with one-word answers, and withdrawn body language (Laureate Education [Producer], 2016). Ineffective practices cause the participant to feel uncomfortable, coerced, and ignored (Laureate Education [Producer], 2016). Additionally, confusion, anxiety, and discomfort come from weak or ineffective strategies.

My Thoughts

I have gained a lot of great, useful information from this viewing experience. I had a chance to see an interview gone wrong, and a good interview. I understand the difference between observation and interpretation. Observation is what is observed or noticed in the interview (Laureate Education [Producer], 2016). Interpretation is what is interpreted or understood from the response of the participant. I will be sure to establish a level of rapport and trust with the participant. I believe this is the most important aspect of the interview. Once the participant trusts the interviewer, the participant will open up more and be comfortable enough to speak as if they are friends rather than strangers. Body language is another important aspect of the interview. A calm demeanor sends the message of a safe environment.


Laureate Education (Producer). (2016). Doctoral research: Interviewing techniques, part one [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

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