Journal Review Article–complete a review of the attached Article.

What aspect of women’s psychology/gender psychology does the article cover?

– Does this research look at sex (biological) or gender (social) differences?

– What was the purpose of the article (if an experimental paper, what, was the research question and what were the methods/procedures used and makeup of participants; if a review paper, what was the focus of the research reviewed)?

– What were the results found (if an experimental paper, what results did the researchers find [no statistical information necessary]; if a review paper, what was the trend of the research reviewed)?

– What were the implications of the paper (what do the results/trends indicate for application, what suggestions to the author(s) have for future research)?

– How does the paper relate to the topic of women and/or gender as we have discussed in class?

– What was your opinion of the paper (Which points of the paper did you find the most interesting? Did you agree with the findings? What are some suggestions you might have for further research?)?

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