Healthful Eating And Exercise

Topic: Healthful eating and exercise

Target audience: Working adults ages 30-50

Format: APA


A.  Describe your intended audience and why the topic is important to this audience (suggested length of 2–5 sentences).

B.  Create a presentation plan (e.g., outline) for a five- to seven-minute presentation on your chosen topic by including the following parts:

1.  An effective introduction that includes the following aspects:

•   an attention-getting opening

•   a thesis statement

•   a preview of the main points of the presentation

Note: For a five- to seven-minute speech, two to three main points are recommended.

2.  Supporting evidence (e.g., statistics, published research) for the main points

Note: Avoid using personal opinion, personal research, or personal experience as your supporting evidence.

3.  an effective conclusion that includes a summary of the main points and closing comments.

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