literary Analysis the novel”Power” by Naomi Alderman

(900 words essay)

This project asks you to write a short essay that advances a thesis of your creation about Naomi Alderman’s novel The Power. In this essay, you will need to describe how Alderman designs her text to convey to us (her readers) a particular idea, theme, or concern, one that draws your attention or interest. You should pay attention to the details of the plot, the development of character, the use of dialogue, the point of view of the narrator(s), the structure (or organization) of the story or narrative, the author’s writing style, word choice (diction), the arrangement of words (syntax), and any other details that seem to you to be significant. The bulk of your analysis should be devoted to explaining how Alderman uses these elements to give us a specific perspective or sense of the theme you discuss: why she makes these particular choices, and not some others. Think in terms of what kind of perspective you think The Power gives us on your theme; how it directs our attention, feelings, or opinions as we read; and what it says about life, society, or culture generally. More broadly, what do we learn about being human by reading the book? In the end, your thesis will demonstrate how Alderman weaves together various aspects of the novel (those elements described above) to arrive at a specific understanding of a theme, issue, or concern that the novel takes up.

You should include specific details (paraphrase, summary, and direct quotation) from the novel as evidence for your claims. Use in-text citations when you do, and include a works cited page at the end of your essay. In-text citations and the works cited page should be in MLA format. Essays that lack proper in-text citations and/or a works cited page are not acceptable in college-level work. Such essays will be returned to you at my leisure and will be deducted one letter grade per class session thereafter until returned in acceptable form.

The essay should have a clear thesis stated in a short introductory paragraph (3-4 sentences), body paragraphs that clearly relate to and support that thesis, and a conclusion that does not simply repeat your thesis. Please use a standard font, 12-point script, and 1″ margins. Include your name, the course name, number, and section number somewhere at the top of the first page. Do not include a separate title page.

discussion 11

Discussion #11

The Technological Revolution

The first improvements in transportation in the post-War of 1812 era were locally sponsored toll roads, but the most dramatic difference came with the application of the steam engine to transportation. The limitations of steamboats depended on existing waterways, a problem that will be somewhat resolved by the construction of canals. As discussed in Chapter 10, the nation experienced a transportation and communication revolution, and technological advances will permanently change manufacturing. However, it will be the railroad system that joins the east and west. Expansion of the rail system linked northeastern cities to the western frontier, and the western territories and states to the eastern seaboard. However, few lines crossed the Mason-Dixon Line to link the northern and southern economies.

In order to prepare for this discussion, you must first complete the following readings.

    • Review and identify the relevant sections of Chapter 10, and Chapter 15.

After you have completed your readings, please post your responses to only ONE of the following questions:

    1. Identify a major technological invention or innovation of this period that is discussed in either Chapter 10 or Chapter 15, and explain its importance.
    2. In your opinion, did construction of a railroad system unify, or divide the nation? (You can also argue how it did both.) Explain your position.

Dworking Model of rule book

Papers with many sentences that are incoherent (i.e., ones that simply don’t make sense) will receive a zero.

Papers that give evidence only of your having read the first few pages of the reading assignment will receive a failing grade.

Papers should be double-spaced with one-inch margins and save as Microsoft Word documents. summary , words 500 , the book name Philosophy of law references: The Philosophy of Law, 8th ed., J. Feinberg and J. Coleman, Wadsworth, 2007.

Can a Christian fundamentalist baker be required by law to make a wedding cake for a gay or lesbian?

Can a Christian fundamentalist baker be required by law to make a wedding cake for a gay or lesbian? Or to make a cake celebrating a gender transition?

The U.S. Supreme Court heard one of the most closely watched cases of its current term earlier in December, 2017. The dispute involved a Christian baker from Colorado who refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple. Jack Phillips, owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., says his religious convictions about marriage require him in good conscience not to provide wedding-related services to gay couples. Phillips also makes the more far-reaching defense that his cakes are not simply part of a business transaction but artistic expressions protected by the First Amendment.

APA for Discussion board

Based on your assigned topic below, locate an article in the Ashford Library (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Summarize the journal article and discuss how this chemical can affect learning and memory. Provide a specific example of how this chemical can hinder or enhance the learning. What activity or strategy can you use in design or facilitation/teaching to increase or decrease this chemical within the brain to support learning? You may find a relevant article listed in the recommended resources. If you need assistance using the library to find an article, please watch this library tutorial, Choosing Articles and Revising Results (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

This is the name of the assigned article: Article 5: (dopamine)

Word War II

HIST 1302 Online, Analytical Assignment on World War II

Read the following primary source documents:

“Executive Order #8802:Prohibition of Discrimination in the Defense Industry,” Franklin D.

Roosevelt, 1941.

“An Open Letter to President Roosevelt—An Editorial,” The Crisis, January 1943, page 8.

Use the details from these two documents to answer the following two questions:

  • According to the Editorial printed in The Crisis magazine in January 1943, what were some of the experiences of African Americans during World War II?
  • How does this Editorial illustrate the successes and/or failures of Executive Order #8802 (be sure to reference the actual E.O. to answer this question)?


A)Your Analytical Assignment should be at least 350 words in length.Please use complete sentences.In your answer to each question, you must include at least 3 specific examples from the documents in support of your argument.You must use all of the sources in your writing assignment.

  • Each statement (argument) that you make must be directly supported with evidence from the source.Example:Columbus’s motives for conquest were:your argument.According to Columbus, these new lands offered Spain:“your source support” (Columbus).DO NOT use any other resources to answer these questions—only use the assigned documents.
  • For citation purposes, put the author’s name in parenthesis (in this case, Roosevelt and Editorial will suffice).You must give credit to the author when you quote and also when you paraphrase.

Mythbuster Assignment

**all these is specific requirements from the instructor, and I have attached the premade outline I’ve made. I just need the paper portion done, which is a minimum of 1,000 words. Needs to be specific to what the instructor is asking for, please read all instructions I just need the essay.

Mythbuster Assignment- Beliefs Survey, Outline, Essay, and Revised Essay. This course will introduce you to essential psychology material and content, and I will test your comprehension with examinations. Yet, I understand that most of you will not major in psychology, and much of the psychology content that we cover will fade from your memory after this semester. Therefore, I have thought much about what I hope will remain with you long after your time in this class has ended.

I hope that some of your beliefs about psychology will change in lasting ways. In this spirit, we will think critically about popular beliefs that are often perpetuated as proverbs and pop psychology on internet sites, Facebook, and other media. According to Lillienfield (2014) erroneous beliefs about psychology happen by word-of-mouth, desires for easy answers and quick fixes, selective perception and memory, inferring causation from correlation, poor logic and reasoning, biased sampling, exaggerating a small truth, and confusing terms, etc. It is my goal that you will learn why some of these errors happen and become better at avoiding these mistakes.

Therefore, at the beginning of the course, you will take a survey about psychological beliefs. You will receive credit just for completing this survey in Canvas. You will eventually write a well-polished paper, in which you describe one of 50 popular psychology misconceptions and summarize the research that refutes it. I expect your essays to be a minimum of 1000 words (which is approximately 4 pages), double-spaced, in 12 pt. Times New Roman font, with 1-inch margins.

After completing the survey about your beliefs, you will receive research-related instruction from librarians and from your instructor. You will then select one of the myths from 50 Great Myths in Popular Psychology, which is available as an ebook from the CSN library page (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. The short chapter that you select will serve as the basis of your essay. It will be a starting point to acquire and study peer-reviewed journal articles on your topic. You will need to cite 5 sources with at least 3 journal articles both in-text and in your reference list in your outline, draft, and revised essay.

After you receive research-related instruction, you will construct a brief outline on your topic. You will later develop your outline and construct your essay. You will receive feedback from your peers and instructor to help you revise your essay. Your outline and draft will only be a small portion of your grade, but your revised essay will be worth a substantial portion of your grade; I will grade each assignment according to more detailed rubrics in Canvas, but the essay rubric generally looks like this:

Rubric displaying categories with descriptions and percentage of grade for each categories


% of grade


You excelled in introducing the misconception in a way that was engaging for your reader. You were clear in orienting your reader to the purpose of your essay with a direct thesis statement (e.g., “This essay will…”). You avoided first and second person to stay with the style of a research essay (third person). You did this using about 125 words or more. (about 12.5% of your essay)


Why the Misconception Occurs

You excelled in describing reasons why the misconception occurs and provided evidence and/or specific references to people or places that have perpetuated the misconception. You did this in a way that provides support for your assertions about why the misconception occurs. If there is an earlier research study that has been misinterpreted, you summarized this earlier study consistent with the “Research” section of the rubric below. You did this using about 250 words or more. (about 25% of your essay)



You excelled in describing research that refutes the misconception. You were careful to avoid plagiarism and obtained a green similarity report through Turnitin. You used the author’s or authors’ last name(s) and the year of publication when you were summarizing research (e.g., Smith, 2012) and used quotes and the page number whenever you were using the language of any source (e.g., Smith and Wilson’s (2012) write, “…” (p. 3). You did this in about 500 words or more. (about 50% of your essay)



You summarized the main idea of each section above (i.e., you summarized the misconception itself, why it occurs, and the research that refutes it… probably in the form of a statement similar to your thesis statement). You considered the implications of perpetuating this misconception as well as the benefits of correcting the misconception and getting it right. (about 12.5% of your essay)


Clarity and Precision

Your writing was exceptionally clear, concise, and easy to read throughout; there were no vague pronouns referring to prior sentences, like “This shows us…,” ambiguities, or guessing for the reader. Your writing was also largely free from redundant wordiness, thoughts and feelings, author’s first names or initials, the titles of articles in-text, the editorial we, you referring to the reader, overstatements, and sexist or biased language.


Format, Voice, Spelling, and Grammar

Your formatting looked professional and was 12 pt. Times New Roman font, double-spaced with 1-inch margins. You did not have your name and my name on the essay. You just began with a title, centered, in title-case. You used a formal voice and grammar that provided an ethos of credibility throughout your writing. There were little to no informalities, like singular uses of they/their, contractions or slang, spelling errors, typos, or grammar that negatively affected the credibility of your voice and writing.


Reference List

You have a reference list that begins on a new page with the word “References” centered at the top of the page in regular text, not bold nor italic. Each reference cited in text is included alphabetically in your reference list, and you cited each reference at least once in the text of your paper. You listed at least 5 sources, with at least 3 scholarly sources (which are peer-reviewed journal articles of actual research) in your reference list that are correct in terms of APA formatting. You may have copied and pasted the citation from somewhere like Google Scholar, and although there may be minor formatting errors, the important information has been included in the correct style (APA). Your formatting was, or was close to, APA style with double spacing and hanging indentation.


This assignment may be challenging, but I have built a structure to help you succeed and develop important skills. These writing and research skills will serve you in this class, in other classes, and throughout your life. In order to succeed on this assignment:

  • You must read and study one chapter in the 50 Great Myths book carefully.
  • You must learn/know how to research scholarly peer-reviewed resources using library databases and Google Scholar. Consider meeting with a librarian in-person or virtually for help.
  • You must learn/know how to cite your sources after each and every instance in the text of your essay AND at the end as a reference list using APA style. Consider meeting with a librarian in-person or virtually for help.
  • You must submit your essay to Turnitin through Canvas, and you must receive a low level of similarity with other sources. If you do not receive a green similarity report, then you may fail this assignment.
  • Consider visiting the writing center.
  • Consider submitting your essay to your online tutoring resource in Canvas (e.g., Smarthinking or Brainfuse)
  • You must incorporate feedback from your peers, the writing center, Smarthinking/Brainfuse tutors, and/or me in ways that show substantial revisions and improvements in your revised essay.

Milk Harvey Film

1. Develop a thesis statement pertaining to the assigned film text and whether or not it, the film, in your view has the power to transform one’s political sensibilities. Your argument should express your point of view regarding the politics of difference, political sensibilities, and political transformation(s) as related to the film. Remember, you’re writing (developing) an analytical essay. Submit your thesis statement in the box located to the right. Be sure to proofread your work.

2. Develop three (3) topic sentences that articulate the major ideas that will comprise the body of your essay. Remember that your topic sentences should clearly state the argument or point to be made in the respective paragraphs and must map back to your thesis statement. Submit your topic sentences in the box located to the right. Be sure to proofread your work.

3. Identify three (3) scenes from the film that support your thesis statement. Briefly explain your choices of scenes and how the scenes specifically support your thesis statement. Also, provide the exact time the scenes begin and end within the film text. Submit your reply in the box located to the right. Be sure to proofread your work.

4. Lastly, fully develop your introductory paragraph. Remember that the best possible thesis will answer some specific question about the text. In this case a question related to the film’s power to transform political sensibilities regarding difference. Your thesis statement should appear parenthetically within the paragraph you present. Submit your answer in the box located to the right. Be sure to proofread your work.

5. Using proper MLA bibliographic formatting, cite the film it self not the source.

The name of the film is called Milk (Harvey milk). It is a separate 5 questions, not an essay.

Assignment Objectives: Enhance and/or improve critical thinking and media literacy skills by:

1. Developing a clear and concise thesis statement (an argument) in response to the

following question: Does the film have the power to transform political sensibilities?

2. Writing an outline for a five paragraph analytical essay building on a clear and

concise thesis statement, including topic sentences and secondary supports.

3. Identifying and explaining three scenes from the film text in support of the thesis


4. Writing an introductory paragraph for the outlined analytical essay

Sport Movie Requirement

Students will view a sports-related movie and write a brief review. While viewing the movie, identify sport psychology themes that are depicted in the movie (aggression, parental involvement, goal setting, teamwork, etc.) and then write a review of the movie.

For a complete listing of the movies you may choose from please see the attached excel list.There is no need to register the movie with me. Please ensure however that you clearly state and then discuss the movie in the context you choose it for (e.g., aggression, motivation, etc)