Were you able to provide the information you wanted to provide?

You have made a career plan, networked with professionals in that field, undergone experiences, and acquired skill sets that would apply to the career path you have chosen. For the last several weeks, you have conducted a job search that has involved creating a resume, searching for jobs via job posting sites, networking, and perhaps attending a job fair. Now, all of your work has paid off and you have an interview scheduled for an entry-level position in a manufacturing firm and an entry-level position in a retail firm.

Your instructor will pair you up with another student and create a small group for the two of you. You and the other student will role play. You and your partner will need to schedule an hour when both of you are available for a group live chat. Each person in the group will be the interviewer for one scenario and the interviewee for the other scenario.

The interviewer will create a list of 5 questions to ask the interviewee. Please do not share these questions with your partner ahead of time.

You should spend no more than half an hour on each scenario.

Write an assessment of your experience as the interviewee that addresses the following questions:

How do you feel you handled the interview?

Were you able to provide the information you wanted to provide?

Did you ask appropriate questions?

Were your responses to the interviewer’s questions appropriate and complete?

Write an assessment of your partner’s experience as the interviewee that addresses the following questions:

How do you feel he or she handled the interview?

Was he or she able to provide the information you wanted him or her to provide?

Did he or she ask appropriate questions?

Were his or her responses to your questions appropriate and complete?

Minimum 1000 Word Evaluation.

*Note: Small group areas and small group chats are currently not available to our class.  For the Unit 5 submission assignments you will be working with another person and each of you will be developing interview questions and interviewing each other.  Because there is not a small group chat available, you will be conducting the interviews on the phone with a friend, co-worker, family member, etc. Begin thinking about who a good partner would be to work with you on this project.  The individual should be familiar with the interview process.

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