The role of media in globalization The role of in globalization Your essay must be well organized…

The role of media in globalization

The role of in globalization

Your essay must be well organized and structured coherently, with an , clear , well-organized body points, and a . As part of your essay, you must:

Explain one concept from your assigned chapter in the book (the little book), using your own words. Offer any necessary background.

Advance the argument you make in your thesis statement, using your research to support your thesis.

Clearly state the supporting and opposing perspectives you found in your research. You should paraphrase as much as possible. Include  that attribute credit appropriately when discussing your sources’ perspectives. You must cite your sources and attribute credit even when you are paraphrasing. Failure to cite sources and attribute credit constitutes .

Clearly state your own perspective. This should be clearly and professionally integrated. Using the  is acceptable.

Essay Minimum Requirements:

Minimum 450 words

A clear, concise, coherent that makes a case/presents an argument.

Clear, well organized, and easy to follow structural organization. Your essay must include a clear, useful, and easily discernible and conclusion (see the linked resources for information on how to write  and ).

You must use and cite three sources – your textbook, a credible agreeing source, and a credible disagreeing source – and your own perspective.

You must use for your references, and you must cite your sources appropriately. For example, , , and , etc. You can find a . Added to cart

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