Differences in Recognition

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Alison post

Differences in Recognition

When referring to children who are exceptional, we are referring to their areas of development. Some are excellent in areas such as physical coordination or speech, while others are lacking in the development area of walking and processing information. All of these differences can be assisted if addressed at an appropriate time. As discussed in Allen’s The Exceptional Child: Inclusion in Early Childhood Education,  ‘an often-overlooked fact is that a child with a disability may be gifted’ (p. 91).

The example of text gave talks about a child with a sight impairment. This child is unable to see, and has common tics as those who are blind, meaning restlessness when it is quite and facial movements that he cannot control. However, during instruction time his teacher noticed that his body relaxed and began to respond during music time. This information was relayed to his parents, and years later the child has become a musical portage. Now this may not be the case for all children, but for some it is. When a disability is present there is a greater chance for another area of the child’s development to be heighten or strengthen.

In a personal example, a student within my class was diagnosed with autism. While this student is still in the early development stage, we are more attentive to the activities that this student choose to participate in. Circle time is a difficult time for the student, as is any other time when she needs to sit still. However, when it comes to painting or creating with her hands, she is the most willing to participate. Based on these observations, my assistants and I foster a more art based learning environment for this student. What other ways could we promote typical classroom routine with artistic twist to keep our student engaged?

Treena post


I had the pleasure of teaching an exceptional child because he is gifted and talented.  He has a vast knowledge of many things and has a fascination with trains. His mother is worried because of her child’s understanding that his teachers will label him. In reading the text, I agree with the statement that “ gifted and talented students may be at risk if they do not receive adequate services to meet their needs” (Allen & Cowdery, 2015). As an educator, I had to recognize his talents and accommodate him as much as possible. He exhibits many of the characteristics listed, including asking intelligent questions, detailed memory, complicated classification and distinction skills, awareness of what is different and new in the environment, and awareness of the feelings of others (p. 90). I can recall an incident where he realizes that I was experiencing pain. He relayed to his classmate that they should behave because I was not feeling my best.

During the parent-teacher conference, his parents were concerned that I would become annoyed by his intelligence. As an instructor, I never thought about his knowledge as being a hindrance or annoyance. I felt it was my responsibility to enhance what he knows and increase his awareness. Sometimes, he gets frustrated because he can’t contain his excitement and wants to answer all the questions before other students. I have to remind him that other students need to answer, and therefore, I will call upon after other students answered. I recognize that he becomes upset because he may get bored or complete his assignments early, yet I do all I can to challenge him.

In summation, parents can become overwhelmed if their child’s teacher doesn’t recognize the student’s abilities. Teachers must be more aware of their student’s strengths so that no child will go unnoticed. The student should speak with their parent so that their parent can advocate for them. Lastly, I wonder how many teachers have missed the opportunity to see their students’ skills, or would they only be able to focus on the child with limitations? Educators cannot become so engaged that they become disengaged to their students and families.

Crystal post

The World Health Organization defines gender roles as “socially constructed roles, behaviors, activities and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women. With that who we are as a person is determine not only by our genetic makeup or how we were raised, but also by how our parents was raised and their parents was raised and so forth. Everything we encounter has a influential effect on our lives. Based off of beliefs dating back centuries ago. Those roles and how they are viewed has changed over the years, but I believe your gender role was shaped based on the era you were raised and how your gender role is perceived at that time. Those born in the era prior to the 90”s was raised on the idea of a girl/women’s place being in the house cooking, cleaning and taking care of the home, and the boy/man roles was to “provide” for the house and handling the manual labor. A time where women were fighting so that the Hilary Clinton’s of the world can run for president. Or the Barack Obama’s of the world can be the first African American president. As the years pass and you experience more single parent homes, different interpretations of religion, schooling and social media, the age old concept of a man or woman’s role has changed. With media alone you are able to tap into so many different cultures to see how these roles are portrayed, within other different backgrounds. In the end as you grow your views and values change to. Its up to you to choose how you develop as a person.

Takila post

I didn’t realize the gender role factors that came with being a girl. As a very young age, my mom and dad were very adamant about teaching me what is ladylike such as eating with your mouth closed, crossing my legs, pushing me to wear clothing of brighter colors and flowers, lip gloss, getting my nails painted, etc. I remember once upon a time, I wanted to learn how to play basketball. The coaches, who were male, didn’t take me seriously because I was “too girly”. Who would’ve thought being feminine would come with judgments based up on my appearance? The way that I was raised made a big impact on the things that I involved myself in growing up. I wasn’t big on being “masculine” but I was athletic. I made sure to take care of my personal hygiene and look nice by wearing decent clothes that covered my body and made sure my hair was combed. I still practice these things today and I thank my parents for instilling certain habits within me.

I remember being told growing up that “I can do anything I put my mind to”. Having parents to push your limits has so many pros that come with it. I didn’t see anything jobs in a gender bias way. That’s why I found it interesting to run across an article about girls being interesting in engineering and working with their hands. Growing up, I did realize that my parents didn’t really “push me” or “introduce me” to things that involved working with my hands such as mechanics and engineering. I’m not regretful, but I wish I would’ve had different things introduced to me so that I could feel comfortable doing things such as change a tire if the situation ever popped up. I found it fascinating and admirable that these your ladies had a desire to build things with their hands. These young ladies from the ages of 11-13 found a way to build mimic space shuttles that demonstrated how the spaceship would land while keeping the astronauts safe with duct tape, straws, cups and marshmallows.

Jill post


I think there is so many creation myths because how we got here is such an unknown. I think for years people have been trying to make sense of how we got here and where we are going in the end. I think every culture has a basic idea or understanding of how we got here . Although no one knows for sure. Between science and faith , there are so many theories . Before science people turned to mythology or Gods.

I think there are so many flood myths is because water is such a powerful and needed source. We could not live without water. Our planet is 71% covered in water, and the oceans hold 96% of the water on earth. Not only is water something we need to live, but when there is a lot of water it can be powerful and have quite the strength . Water is also often used in natural disasters too, which affect how we live. Water can give us life but it can also take life away from us. There are often Gods of water, because of how powerful water can be.

I think fire is completely different than water. Fire can take away things or renew things. But fire is also often associated with Hell. Fire is strong and powerful, and gives us heat to cook or keep warm. But when you think of fire you do not always think of positive things.

I think through these myths we can have a better understanding of our world or the cultures around us. It also helps to give us new idea or expand our beliefs.

Darin post


I believe the reason there are so many similarities of myths, are based on the resources available in the beginning of time to reference. In addition, water and fire carry so much power, but mankind didn`t have a true understanding of its rhyme or reason of its existance. The reason for the various or many flood myths are predicated on the story from the bible regarding Noah and his Ark. As in modern day scenarios, there will be copy cat stories or myths created to stimulate those interested. The similarity origin is based on the decendents of Noah who gave their version of the flood soon after Babel when languages were confused. This gave their newly created cultures their own version of flood accounts. The flood has created about 71% of the Earth`s water content and have the strength to penetrate and solid with enough pressure, but fire is dangerous and harmful, but doesn`t win against water in the larger scheme of things. I would have to say, these myths makes us respect water and fire, because you can find yourself in a bad situation if you don`t.

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