Discussion Board on current trendinding topic on our feild of study. (Science in healthcare management is my feild)

For this Discussion Board you will complete a Primary Response and Peer Responses.

Primary Discussion Response

Use the Unit 2 Discussion Board Template to complete the following three steps

ENGL105 Unit 2 Discussion Board Template

Instructions: fill out each section completely, answering each portion of the prompt.Be sure to delete the instructions from each section.Then copy and paste your answer into the Unit 2 Discussion Board.Please do not attach.

Step 1: (20 points)

A.Trending Topic

Select a trending topic connected to your field of study or professional field and list your trending topic here:

B. Trending Topic Links; Audience, Purpose, & Source Credibility

Provide links to one article from an Online news outlet, one tweet, one wiki entry, and one scholarly source about your trending topic.

Link to Online news article:

Link to Tweet:

Link to Wiki entry:

Link to Scholarly article:

Step 2: (15 Points)

Answer the following questions:

1.Who is the intended audience for each of the communications?

Online news article:


Wiki entry:

Scholarly article:

2.What is the purpose of each of these communications? (to inform, to educate, to entertain, to persuade, etc.)? How effective do you think each communication was in accomplishing the writer’s purpose?

Online news article:


Wiki entry:

Scholarly article:

3.What is the credibility of each of these communications and why? Are any appropriate for use in an academic setting or professional setting and why?

Online news article:


Wiki entry:

Scholarly article:

Step 3: Mock Message(15 points)

A. Write a mock Tweet, Facebook post, OR email about your trending topic.

  • Tweet: 140 characters only including spaces. Tweet should be concise and clear; provide trending topic information and link to an article about it; must include a hashtag.
  • E-mail: must include the following fields: a “to:” and “subject:” line and an appropriate “signature;” you should have an introductory greeting, set the context, provide trending topic information and link to an article about it, and have a concluding statement; the e-mail should not exceed 6-8 sentences total.
  • Facebook: summarize the information on your trending topic and also express your reaction to the information and possible ways your followers might need or use your discovery.

NOTE: your mock message only needs to be created for this discussion board assignment, and not actually posted on social media or sent.

Type your mock message here:

B. Answer the following questions about your mock message:

  • Discuss why you chose that platform and how that impacted your purpose, audience, voice (diction), and message.

Step 1:

A. Select a trending topic connected to your field of study or professional field. When considering topic choices, select topics that fall under the broad umbrella of your field of study. Consider the following examples:

  • Health care: Current health crisis or controversial medical issue
  • Security studies: Controversial criminal case, legislation issues, and so forth
  • Business and management: Trending topics in the corporate world
  • Computer science and IT: IT and security issues; Prospering or failing technology companies; Controversies related to technology

Note: You may choose a trending topic with which you are already familiar, but if you would like additional ideas for topics, skim online news outlets for stories or touch base with your instructor for additional suggestions.

Click here for additional information on trending topics.

B. Research your trending topic and provide links to information on that topic from the following locations:

  • Online news outlet (CNN, AP, New York Times, local news online, etc.)
  • Twitter
  • Wiki
  • Library database or Google Scholar

Step 2:

Answer the following questions to compare and contrast the audience, purpose, and credibility of each link:

  • Who is the intended audience for each of the communications?
  • What is the purpose of each of these communications (to inform, to educate, to entertain, to persuade, etc.)? How effective do you think each communication was in accomplishing the writer’s purpose?
  • What is the credibility of each of these communications and why? Are any appropriate for use in an academic setting or professional setting and why?

Step 3:

A. Write a mock Tweet, Facebook post, OR email about your trending topic.

NOTE: Your mock message only needs to be created for this discussion board assignment, and not actually posted on social media or sent.

  • Tweet: 140 characters only; tweet should be concise and clear; provide trending topic information and link to an article about it; must include a hashtag.
  • Facebook: summarize the information on your trending topic and also express your reaction to the information and possible ways your followers might need or use your discovery
  • E-mail: must include the following fields: a “to:” and “subject:” line and an appropriate “signature;” you should have an introductory greeting, set the context, provide trending topic information and link to an article about it, and have a concluding statement; the e-mail should not exceed 6-8 sentences total.

B. Finally write a paragraph that discusses why you chose that platform and how that impacted your purpose, audience, voice (diction), and message.

Do not attach the template. Instead, copy and paste your filled-out template directly into the Discussion Board.

Peer Responses

Respond to 2 classmates with a 100-200 word reply each. In your responses to your classmates, remember to be constructive and polite. Use the following questions to assist you with your responses:

  1. Do you have any additional insights on audience, purpose, or credibility for the links about the trending topic?
  2. What engaged you about your classmate’s tweet, e-mail, or Facebook posts? What in the writer’s approach interests you?
  3. What about the writer’s style helped or hindered the message’s appeal to the chosen audience?
  4. What suggestions do you have for the writer?
Unit 2 Discussion Project Grading Criteria

Maximum Points

Initial post includes a trending topic and four links (online news article, Tweet, Wiki, Scholarly article)


Initial post includes a description of the purpose and audience, purpose, and credibility of each of the four links.


Initial post includes mock message ( a tweet, Facebook post, or e-mail)


Initial post includes a paragraph addressing audience, purpose, diction, and platform for the mock message


Initial post uses the Unit 2 Discussion Board Template


Includes at least 2 follow-up responses to peers.


Peer responses add new depth or insight to the current conversation and encourage further conversation.




Annotated Bibliogrphy Discussion post

Annotated Bibliography: The Fog of Revolution Sara Rodriguez Professor Gina Jenkins History 306 Allen, Thomas. “One Revolution, Two Wars.” Military History 27 (2011): 58–63. Print. This article points out that the American Revolution was in many ways a civil war between Patriots, who wanted revolution, and Loyalists who supported King George III. As Allen points out, “the signers [of the Declaration of Independence] knew they did not speak for ‘one people’ but for a people including Americans who opposed the Revolution” (58). Many members of established families acted as informants for the British. Many Loyalists would join the British forces in battles against the Patriots. These divisions led to much distrust among the Patriots, because they weren’t certain who was on their side and who was against them (61). My assessment: This article can be helpful for my argument. Part of my argument is that we are given a rather cleaned-up version of the American Revolution in our classes and textbooks. This article demonstrates that the war was not one that pitted American patriots against British oppressors. Instead, there were many factions in the colonies who had reasons to support or fight against independence. Black, Jeremy. George III: America’s Last King. New Haven, CT: Yale UP, 2006. Print. The author points out that King George III has become a caricature in American history. In some accounts, he is portrayed as a cruel dictator. In other accounts, he is a bumbling monarch, unable to hold together the vast empire he inherited from greater monarchs. Black looks at the historical context in which King George III found himself. He points out that many pressures were being placed on the British Empire at that time. So, it’s not surprising that the uprising of some colonists was not handled with full concern. Discussing the king’s values, Black writes, “George’s conception of his task was always led by a commitment to restore and maintain the moral order of society, a position that greatly influenced his attitude towards dissatisfaction in the American colonies” (1). Also, he was distracted by numerous upheavals among his ministers in London, so George may not have given the rebellion in the American colonies much thought until it was too late (107). My assessment: This book is critical toward my argument about the state of mind of King George III. The author includes several chapters that delve into the king’s family, values, religion, and his psychological state. These chapters will be especially helpful toward showing that George was handling a great number of other matters that may have distracted him from the problems in the American colonies. The book also shows how George’s strict adherence to values may have kept him from compromising with the colonists at key points in the conflict. Bonwick, Colin. The American Revolution. Charlottesville, VA: U of Virginia P, 1991. Print. This book suggests that the American Revolution is generally misunderstood by the general public. Typically, Bonwick argues, the American Revolution is portrayed as an uprising among colonists who were seeking their freedom from Britain. This revolutionary narrative glosses over the many “internal debates and processes which gave birth to the United States from 1776 onwards” implying they “were little more than necessary consequences of independence” (1). The book steps back and shows that each colony had its own reasons for seeking independence. Overall, though, much of the tension between the colonies and Britain were due to economic rather than ideological reasons (56). The final move toward Revolution was more about preserving economic strength rather than freeing people from any kind of bondage. My assessment: This book makes a similar argument to the one I am making. I’m arguing that King George III’s actions, especially increased taxation, made the economic situation in the colonies more difficult, which made it easier for arguments for independence to take hold.



Outstanding or higher level of performance

Very good or high level of performance

Competent or satisfactory level of performance

Poor or failing or unsatisfactory level of performance

Initial Post Content

Addresses all aspects of the initial discussion question(s), applying experiences, knowledge, and understanding regarding all weeklyconcepts.

Addresses most aspects of the initial discussion question(s), applying experiences, knowledge, and understanding of most of the weekly concepts

Addresses some aspects of the initial discussion question(s), applying experiences, knowledge, and understanding of some of the weekly concepts.

Minimally addresses the initial discussion question(s) or does not address the initial question(s).

Initial Post

Evidence & Sources

Integrates evidence to support discussion from assigned readings** ORonline lessons, AND at least one outside scholarly source.*** Sources are credited.*

Integrates evidence to support discussion from assigned readings** OR online lessons. Sources are credited.*

Integrates evidence to support discussion only from an outside source with no mention of assigned reading** or lesson. Sources are credited.*

Does not integrate any evidence.

Follow-Up Post 1

Response furthers the dialogue by providing more information and clarification, thereby adding much depth to the discussion.

Response furthers the dialogue by adding some depth to the discussion.

Response does not further the dialogue significantly; adds littledepth to the discussion.

Does not respond to another student or instructor.

Follow-Up Post 2

Response furthers the dialogue by providing more information and clarification, thereby adding much depth to the discussion.

Response furthers the dialogue by adding some depth to the discussion.

Response does not further the dialogue significantly; adds littledepth to the discussion.

Does not respond to another student or instructor.

Professional Communication

Presents information using clear and concise language in an organized manner (minimal errorsin English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation).

Presents information in an organized manner (few errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation).

Presents information using understandable language but is somewhat disorganized (some errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation).

Presents information that is not clear, logical, professional or organized to the point that the reader has difficulty understanding the message (numerous errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and/or punctuation).

Timeliness of Responses

Student posts an answer to the initial discussion question(s) by Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. M.T.

Student does not post an answer to the initial discussion question(s) by Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. M.T.

Frequency of Responses

Posts in the discussion on two different days.

Posts fewer than two different days OR does not participate at all.

Reflection Paper on Class Material

Reflection Paper #2

Basically, students should answer the question – what have you learned in this class so far? In answering this question, students will be expected to integrate the material in an analytical and critical manner. As such, students should not summarize (e.g., in week 1, I learned about local government, in week 2, I learned about state government), but rather be reflective about what you learned by integrating, dissecting, critiquing, and analyzing the knowledge received from a variety of sources. Each paper should cover all information sources and attempt to describe how these sources fit together. In other words, these papers should not simply cover the readings, but must be reflective of the knowledge obtained from all sources. Students may select to do outside research in attempt to integrate and understand the material. Your opinions about what you are learning, what you are finding interesting, what you didn’t know, what you are now understanding better are key to successfully completing this assignment. ** The first reflection paper should cover material learned up until that point in the course. The second reflection paper should focus on everything learned during the class with an emphasis placed on the material covered after the first reflection paper was due. Minimum requirements: Citations are not needed, but if citations they are used, they must be in text and a separate reference page at the end of the paper must all be in APA style. An acceptable range is between 3-4 pages double-spaced. The paper should not exceed 5 pages. A paper with fewer than three (3) full pages (1 inch margins on all sides) is not acceptable and will receive half-credit (50). A full page consists of text only; headers/footers, titles, name/date, and the like are NOT calculated in the full page requirement. Papers that fail to be comprehensive in integrating all of the material and do not meet the minimum requirements will receive half-credit (50 points). As the semester progresses, the papers will be expected to be more analytical and insightful. Both Reflection Papers must be submitted through Blackboard.

Literary Research Paper

So far, your coursework has explored the important idea that to argue persuasively and make strong claims you need to be in dialogue with others. Your writing assignments have demonstrated this point as you’ve proven yourselves able to analyze and evaluate how professional scholars launch an effective argument by writing the arguments of others into their own texts. For this essay, I’d like you to broaden your understanding of research and academic dialogue by choosing your own set of texts to which you will respond and use to support an original idea (a thesis).

ASSIGNMENT: Write a 1500-word essay in which you develop a thesis on the subject or theme of your choice and support your thesis by bringing together the most salient features from your readings and responding to them. In short, explore an interesting original idea so that your audience can understand something new or different about your topic. With this paper, you will select at least one short story and at least one poem (called primary sources) from the Backpack Literature textbook and locate at least four essays or articles (called secondary sources) from the TROY Library databases. A list of stories and poems by subject and theme is posted in the Week 8 folder to help you find texts in Backpack Literature that might interest you. Now you must explore the connection or pattern of ideas that you believe brings the texts together and says something interesting about your topic. Look deeper into this connection by reflecting upon specific passages in your story, your poem, and the four articles (secondary sources).

Essay Outline:

The introduction should establish the importance of the literary theme or topic you’ve chosen in the opening paragraph. You should consider using an anecdote or some research to demonstrate why the chosen subject is significant to the primary texts (the short story and poem) you’ve chosen to analyze. The introduction insists on the need to redefine the issue/topic.

The thesis asserts a clear and coherent interpretation of the selected theme or topic, explaining the theme/topic’s function within either the primary texts or the work’s genre. Ensure that your thesis is stated explicitly and that it is arguable — above all, make it interesting: how can we think differently about the theme/topic due to your reading of the texts you’ve selected?

The body paragraphs should use effective transition devices and topic sentences to remind readers of your thesis throughout the essay. Each paragraph should demonstrate effective use of your sources (both the primary sources and the researched secondary sources), including effective signal phrases for every quotation from a source and a clear and convincing modeling of the “They Say/I Say” approach to presenting and responding to sources.

The conclusion should leave your readers thinking further about what you’ve presented. Don’t summarize or repeat you main points; instead, restate your thesis in a different way by showing the potential implications of your analysis.

Source Citation: MLA format, including in-text parenthetical citations and a correct Works Cited. This final essay must demonstrate your understanding and proficiency with the use of parenthesis to designate the page of a cited quote from either the primary or secondary source, recognizing that MLA does not make use of “p.” or “pg.” You must show a knowledge of when to include the suthor’s last name within the parenthesis (Bishop 106) and when not to (106). The Works Cited page demonstrates a proper formatting procedures outlined in your Writers Reference textbook as well as at the OWL online reference at https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/section/2/11/. The Works Cited procedures include: listing authors in alphabetical order by last name; authors’ last names listed first, followed by first name; proper citation of the title using italics for full-length books and quotation marks for an article, short story, and poem; use of place, publisher, and date of publication for books and journal title, volume and issue, date of publication, and page numbers for articles; use of punctuation inclusing periods, commas, and semi-colons; and proper acknowledgment of medium of publication, inlcuding use of “Print” for physical books and articles consulted and URL and date of access documentation for sources read online (Web. Date).

Due: A completed draft must be submitted to the assignment feature link no later than midnight (CST) on Sunday, July 29. No late papers will be accepted. No exceptions.

Response to Julia Taymor Videos

1. Julie Taymor: Spider-Man, The Lion King and life on the creative edge


2. The Lion King – Behind the Scenes Part 1


The Lion King – Behind the Scenes Part 2


The Lion King – Behind the Scenes Part 3


3. ‘Circle of Life’ in 360º | THE LION KING on Broadway


4. Across The Universe – Because.avi


Across The Universe – Trailer


For this assignment you are first going to watch all four videos in this module that pertain to Julie Taymor. I suggest watching them in the order they appear in the module. Take notes as you watch, and focus specifically on visual imagery. What is said about the creation of the visual imagery and how it was conceived and created– (including costumes, make-up, sets, puppetry, etc.,)– and what stood out to you personally? Then, answer these questions:

1. Please list ten observations about the visual imagery from the films–both what the artists say, and what stood out to you.

2. What were you surprised by? What were you drawn to?

3. What does Ms. Taymor have to say about the creative process? Do you agree or disagree and why?

4. What is an ideograph and how does Ms. Taymor use it in her work?

5. Which imagery that you observed was created as a metaphor for something else? (Name two images and what the metaphor is).

Regulation of Internet Hate Sights


Regulation of Internet Hate Sites

A hate crime is commonly defined as “a criminal offense committed against persons, property, or society that is motivated, in whole or in part, by an offender’s bias against an individual’s or a group’s perceived race, religion, ethnic/national origin, gender, age, disability, or sexual orientation” (Taylor, Fritsch, Liederbach, & Holt, 2011, p. 192). Hate crimes are illegal and most states have hate crime statutes that provide enhanced penalties for these types of crimes. Contemporary technology allows hate to be spread farther and wider through the use of hate sites than can be done by word of mouth. These sites are accessible to anyone with a computer. While hate crimes are illegal and often carry harsh penalties, hate sites are not illegal. Those who launch hate sites rely on the U.S. Constitution and their right to freedom of speech as protection from the law.

For this Discussion, consider whether hate sites should be monitored and regulated. Think about whether or not monitoring and regulating these sites might infringe upon freedom of speech.

Reference: Taylor, R. W., Fritsch, E. J., Liederbach, J., & Holt, T. J. (2011). Digital crime and digital terrorism (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Post by Day 4 an explanation of whether or not hate sites should be monitored and regulated. Then explain whether or not monitoring and regulating hate sites might infringe upon freedom of speech.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

  • Course Text: Taylor, R. W., Fritsch, E. J., & Liederbach, J. (2015). Digital crime and digital terrorism.(3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
    • Chapter 9, “Anarchy and Hate on the World Wide Web”
  • Article: Bailey, J. (2004). Private regulation and public policy: Toward effective restriction of Internet hate propaganda. McGill Law Journal, 49(1), 59–103.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library using the Business Source Complete database.
  • Article: Foderaro, L. W. (2010, September 29). Private moment made public, then a fatal jump. The New York Times. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/30/nyregion/30suicide.html
  • Article: Guichard, A. (2009). Hate crime in cyberspace: The challenges of substantive criminal law. Information & Communications Technology Law, 18(2), 201–234.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library using the Communication & Mass Media Complete database.
  • Article: Hu, W. (2010, October 2). Legal debate swirls over charges in a student’s suicide. The New York Times, p. A15.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library using the ProQuest Central database.
  • Article: Perry, B., & Olsson, P. (2009). Cyberhate: The globalization of hate. Information & Communications Technology Law, 18(2), 185–199.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library using the Computers & Applied Sciences Complete database.

new question

Assignment 1: Counseling and Suicide Prevention Services in Law Enforcement Settings

Part 1: Counseling and Psychotherapy in Law Enforcement Agencies

This assignment encourages you to examine how the therapy process might be different in a law enforcement setting. You will examine some of the unique aspects of working with law enforcement and in a primarily male-dominated field.

Using the module’s readings and the Argosy University online library resources, research issues involved in working in a primarily male-dominated field that has also been historically suspicious of seeking mental healthcare.

In a minimum of 300 words, respond to the following:

  • How and in what ways is the provision of counseling in a law enforcement setting different from that in a community setting?
  • In what ways should the approach to counseling an officer be different from that of counseling an individual in the community?
  • What ethnic and diversity issues might be present?
  • What are some of the issues related to the field being male-dominated that you might address in therapy?

Part 2: Suicide Prevention Plan

For professionals involved in evaluating and counseling law enforcement professionals, the issue of suicide assessment and prevention is important to consider. This part of the assignment will help you learn more about the increasing problem of police officer suicides.


You are the clinical director of a mental health facility that provides psychological services to several police departments and sheriff’s departments. There have been five police officer suicides in the past three years in your area. You have been asked to research the issue and create a suicide prevention plan that will support both large and small departments. You will research other suicide prevention plans and examine what they comprise. You will incorporate these successful interventions into your plan. Consider your audience—larger groups or individuals—and analyze the obstacles to implementing a suicide prevention plan.

Using the module’s readings and the Argosy University online library resources, research factors contributing to such suicides. Ensure that you research statistical information.

Respond to the following:

  • What are the statistics and research on police officer suicide?
  • How many departments have suicide prevention programs?
  • What would you include as part of your suicide prevention plan?

Support your responses giving reasons and examples from scholarly resources.

Submission Details:

  • By the due date assigned, post your responses to this Discussion Area.
  • Through the end of the module, respond to at least two other classmates’ posts. Participate in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with a rationale, challenging an aspect of the discussion, or indicating a relationship between one or more lines of reasoning in the discussion.
Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Quality of initial posting, including fulfillment of assignment instructions


Quality of responses to classmates


Frequency of responses to classmates


Reference to supporting readings and other materials


Language and grammar




M4 Assignment 1 DiscussionDiscussion Topic

Due September 29 at 11:59 PM

answer question

Chapter 5 – Dream Theories Discussion

The purpose of this discussion is for you to demonstrate your understanding of the material. Approach your response as though it is a mini essay with complete sentences, distinct paragraphs, and correct spelling and punctuation. Grammar and spelling matter. Online courses demand the same standard of academic communication and use of grammar as face-to-face courses.

In a minimum of 300 words:

  1. Describe the three theories of why we dream.
  2. Based upon your opinion and experience, which of these theories does the best job of explaining why we dream? Provide examples to support your choice.

In addition, you are expected to provide a supportive and/or reflective comment to the post of one classmate. In order to receive the maximum possible 10 points, you must accurately and thoroughly answer each part of the discussion prompt using at least 300 words (including the prompt in your response is not included in the word count) and comment on the post of one of your classmates.

Social science post reply 3

I am a vegan so i do feel a certain way about harvesting any animal. For one as humans and in the united states we have the tendency to be greedy. How often do you see us take more than we need or feel necessary. I don’t think just harvesting animals is the only way we are threatening their existence. Look at the strain we are putting on the environment with pollution. We will not just take out other organisms but ourselves. I became vegan not only because of my concern for my own health but the good i did for the environment and other animals. I am not trying to come across like everyone should be vegan but i do feel like we can deplete a species and it has trouble coming back. Being vegan is a personal choice but i think we should limit the amount we pull from the environment. Indians would use only what they needed and hunted in the same way. I think we should go back to a simpler time.

Agree or Disagree within 2-3 sentences