Aviation Safety Programs

**This is an Aviation Safety subject course **

Answer the question below and support your answer with research from reputable sources 

Explain the benefits of the FAA aviation safety action program” ASAP” and the biggest deterrent to the program working effectively ?

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Aviation Safety Programs

Explain the importance of having proactive safety programs (i.e., FOQA, ASAP, AQP, etc). What effect or influence will these proactive safety programs have on a SMS program? Completion of the module reading assignment is necessary to complete this discussion. Be sure to include appropriate and correct in-text citations from the textbook and any other sources you use to support your response.

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Aviation Safety Programs

Assess the impact programs such as LOSA, ASAP, and ASRS have had on aviation safety. Why were these programs started, and what did they hope to achieve? In your discussion, analyze the benefits of both direct observation of aircrew (LOSA) and anonymous self-reporting systems (ASAP/ASRS). Determine if there are any potential negative aspects of such programs and why participation was slow to catch on in some segments of aviation. How do these programs relate to airline CRM programs?

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